Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Deployment of Oracle Forms Application

Deployment of Oracle Forms Application

Follow the below steps:

1.     Login to the server with the user with which Oracle Application Server installation was carried out.

2.     Take a backup of the default.env file located at C:\<MidTier Home>\forms\server and rename the file as app.env. Where app represents the application name and .env - represents the environment file.

3.     Make modification to the app.env file that would suit the application environment for the following parameters:
ORACLE_HOME - C:\ <MidTier Home>\
FORMS_PATH - C:\ <MidTier Home>\\forms\app
WEBUTIL_CONFIG - C:\ <MidTier Home>\forms\server\webutil.cfg

4.     The FORMSWEB.CFG has to be modified to include app.env these would include:
  a.     Make a copy of the webutil session in the formsweb.cfg file and rename to the application name.
  b.    Change the parameters for the app section in the file:
                       ·           Form = new_menu.fmx - This is the very first form that would be launched when you hit the web link for the application.
                       ·           env = app.env - This is the environment file that would be used for the application.
5.     Copy all .fmx (Oracle Forms executable) to the location specified in the app.env file.

6.     Make sure all required database tns entries are added to C:\<MidTier Home>\network\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora file location. Also test the database connectivity using tnsping command.

7.     Then the form services are restarted from the OEM Console and then view the web URL for the application.