Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Install Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on MS Windows

In this article i will explain how to install Oracle EBS R12 in MS Windows. I am going to explain two methods 1) EBS R12 on Windows 2003 Server
2) EBS R12 on Windows XP.
I will strongly  recommend to install R12 on Windows 2003 server. It is more reliable and will provide you maximum functionality.


My Hardware & Software Specifications:  Booting and Running speed is excellent by using following hardware.
- Intel Pentium Core 2 DUO, CPU 2.0 GHz
- 4 GB of RAM
- 250 GB Hard Drive
- Windows 2003 Server with Service Pack 2

- R12 Stage  Down load from
- MKS Tool Kit   licenced  download from
- Visual C++ 8.0 licenced (Included in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005)

Installation Steps:
1) Install Windows 2003 Server with SP2
Make sure you have installed Network driver successfully.
2) Set ‘Computer Name’ .

- Right click on ‘My Computer’ > Properties > ‘Computer Name’ > Change
- Set ‘Computer Name’ to r12   (you can other give any name)

3) Set the domain
- Click on More
- Set a ‘Primary DNS Suffix of this Computer’ to    you can choose any other name (


4) Add a new entry in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts as follows:

replace localhost  with

5) From the command prompt, make sure you can do the following:  
        C:\> ping

6) Install Visual C++ 8.0 (Which is included in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005) in ‘C:\VS8′  Directory name should not contain spaces

7) Download ‘MKS toolkit’ and install in c:\mksnt\

8- Copy  link.exe  ,   cl.exe  from  c:\vs8\vs\bin to c:\mksnt\mksnt\

9) Copy which.exe from   c:\mksnt\mksnt\ to c:\vs8\lib\

10) Copy GNUMAKE.EXE  to c:\windows\system32   

11) Restart Computer

 12) Set Up the Stage Area:
Stage Area (c:\stage12) requires a 32 GB hard disk space.  Make sure stage12 name should not contain spaces and should have read/write permissions.
Extract the zip files which have been downloaded from ( Nothing special to do since the extracted files will create the stage area directory structure by itself. You should see the following structure under ‘C:\stage12′ once you are done with the files extraction: Make sure there should not be spaces stage directory name.
- startCD
- oraAppDB
- oraApps
- oraAS
- oraDB

13) Start the installation:
Run rapidwiz from following path
C:\stage12\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz> RapidWiz.cmd

For ‘VC++’ and ‘mks’ I have provided the following paths:

14) Follow the wizard and sit back and relax until installation completed.

15) After installation complete open the browser and write following URL