Steps for Register a Discoverer report in Oracle Apps.
1. Login to Application Developer-->Function
2. Enter Function , User Function Name, Description(Optional) in Description Tab.
5. In Web HTML Tab
Enter HTML Call - OracleOasis.RunDiscoverer
6. Now you can add this Function in any existing or new Menu
Also Note that Discoverer Report cannot be invoked when you’ve direct login into Oracle Applications through http://<url>:<port number>/dev60cgi/f60cgi
You need to access through logging in from the browser web page. Otherwise it will give an Error.
7. Now navigate to Responsibility which contain the Menu to which you added this function.
8. Click the Function Name to Display the report.
1. Login to Application Developer-->Function
2. Enter Function , User Function Name, Description(Optional) in Description Tab.
3. In Properties Tab
- Function: TEST_DISCO
- User Function Name: Discoverer Report
- Description: Discoverer Report
4. In Form Tab Parameters --> Enter the Workbook name created previously
- Select Type “SSWA plsql function”
- Maintenance Mode Support – None
- Context Dependence - Responsibility
- workbook=TEST_WORKBOOK
- In case you want to give some parameters then you can use:
workbook=<workbook_name>¶meters=<Parameter_nam e1>~<value1>*<Parameter_name2>~<value2>*<Parameter _name3>~<value3>*
workbook=<workbook_name>&Parameters=age~26*salary~ 1000*
5. In Web HTML Tab
Enter HTML Call - OracleOasis.RunDiscoverer
6. Now you can add this Function in any existing or new Menu
Also Note that Discoverer Report cannot be invoked when you’ve direct login into Oracle Applications through http://<url>:<port number>/dev60cgi/f60cgi
You need to access through logging in from the browser web page. Otherwise it will give an Error.
7. Now navigate to Responsibility which contain the Menu to which you added this function.
8. Click the Function Name to Display the report.