Thursday, September 11, 2014

Displaying Images in XML Publisher Report

Sometimes we get requirements to display images in the report. Since most of the time images are of large size, displaying it using 'fnd_file.put_line' will not work as the size limit for fnd_file.put_line is 32K.
The solution for this is to use the below code.
Function getbase64 is used to convert BLOB to CLOB (which is posted in last post).


CURSOR emp_img_cur (p_person_id NUMBER)
    SELECT xxadnic_sshr_daily_rep_pkg.getbase64 (image) image1
    FROM per_images
    WHERE parent_id = p_person_id;   
    emp_img_rec emp_img_cur%rowtype;
    l_length      NUMBER (10);
    l_xmlstr      VARCHAR2 (32000);
    l_offset      NUMBER (10) := 32000;
    l_retrieved   NUMBER (10) := 0;
    l_result      CLOB;

  OPEN emp_img_cur (4426);
  FETCH emp_img_cur INTO emp_img_rec;
  l_result := '<IMAGE>' ||emp_img_rec.image1 || '</IMAGE>'; 
  l_length := NVL (DBMS_LOB.getlength (l_result), 0);
         EXIT WHEN l_length = l_retrieved;

         IF (l_length - l_retrieved) < 32000
            SELECT SUBSTR (l_result, l_retrieved + 1) INTO l_xmlstr FROM DUAL;

            l_retrieved := l_length;
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, l_xmlstr);
            SELECT SUBSTR (l_result, l_retrieved + 1, l_offset)
              INTO l_xmlstr
              FROM DUAL;

            l_retrieved := l_retrieved + l_offset;
            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, l_xmlstr);
         END IF;